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 ARS Acronym/Terminology FAQ v2.6

 *Note, these words and definitions are specific to the newsgroup 
  alt.religion.scientology, and the subject of Scientology.  For
  terms like BTW, ROTFL, IMHO, etc. see an appropriate Internet 
  or Usenet terminology FAQ.
AA, Attempted Abortion;
Hubbard was big on these, being a misogynist. According to Dianetics, mothers routinely tried to kill their unborn babies with knitting needles, and thus we are filled with engrams of being pierced through the head and body in our AA's.
deranged, insane. "All those SP's on ars are heavily aberrated."
what engrams cause. "Martin has gone crazy out in the aberrated Wog world."
Association for Better Living and Education. A cult front-group. The purpose of front-groups is to escape the bad name of Scientology.
the area in an Org in which the training is carried out. "Betty is down in the Academy doing a clay demo."
see Acknowledgement.
and end of cycle in Hubbard's weird communication theory. Usually a "good", "ok", "I got that", or "thank you." "Give me an Ack, or I'll just ramble on here."
alt.clearing.technology. Often in small letters, "act", or with periods, "a.c.t." The hangout for the relics of the cult who still practice the weird cult "technology" developed by Hubbard, but who have left the cult of Scientology proper.
an auditing process.
After Dianetics. Used on issues such as HCOB's and HCOPL's to show the year. It's based on the Christian calendar, but with a base year of 1950 with the release of the cult classic "Dianetics"; thus AD 15 = anno Domini 1965.
administration. Detailed bureaucracy taken to new heights; thousands of green on white issues written by LRH cover the design of this monumental testament to inefficiency that would make IBM proud. The OEC Vols (Green Vols) cover most of the Admin.
Admin Dictionary,
defines some of the thousands of new terms the cult introduces with its massive bureaucracy.
LRH. A final self-bestowed promotion, given humbly to himself (there was no one else to do it) by Hubbard just before his death. See "Ron."
used as a synonym for love or like. "I have a lot of affinity for LRH."
a condition or level of high and climbing production. Aptly named, as higher production means more money. "The stats will be in screaming affluence again this Thursday at 200."
to alter the way something really is, and thus to create a persistence. See As-Is. "If the Flag Rep keeps Alter-Ising the Tech, I'm writing a K/R on her!"
Amends Project,
a way for a down-stat Scientologist to get back in good graces. Usually involves long hours scrubbing toilets, and such. "Jeff's doing an Amends Project, as part of his Ethics Cycle."
Advanced Organization. A cult group that delivers the higher parts of the Bridge, such as OT 1-8, the L's, etc.
one of Hubbard's ships when he had a toy navy. LRH loved to play sailor-man. See Flag.
Affinity, Reality, and Communication; when a cultie meets a cultie, a comin' through the rye. "Use a little more ARC when you reg, Sam."
alt.religion.scientology; this newsgroup. Often lower-case; "40,000 people a month read ars."
see Author Services.
to look at something and make it vanish. "Jim as-ised and blew some charge is session today." See Alter-Is.
the person who uses an E-Meter to find Overts and Engrams, and audits them out of the PC.
the action of running Scientology or Dianetic processes on a PC. Auditing usually involves a Meter, with the PC holding onto the soup cans, and the Auditor taking down notes and asking questions. "Auditing in the HGC costs over $500 per hour."
Author Services,
a cult front-group who's purpose is to skim and channel money out of the organization for the leader, currently David Miscavige, also called ASI (Author Services International.)
bureau one. A segment of the Guardian's Office responsible for covert intelligence; its functions are now taken over by OSA.
the reactive mind; supposedly packed with "overts." Also, anything negative seen as coming from the reactive mind. "All you'll find on ars is just bank talking."
the use of frivolous lawsuits to harass. "Scientology has been found guilty of barratry, given the thousands of useless lawsuits they have brought to court and wasted taxpayer's money on."
a person who is critical of Scientology. A Freezone term, q.v. "Don't listen to him; he's just a basher."
Basic Basic,
the earliest incident on a chain of engrams.
a word Hubbard probably stole from Nordenholz. Implies the rewarding experience of being something, assuming a valence or hat. Hubbard fit beingness into a triptych with doingness and havingness. "I have so much beingness on my shiny new post!"
Big Win,
something great that tends to be ephemeral or nebulous. "I had such Big Wins all week on the Purif. I began to see what really lies behind my case!" See "Win", "Success Story."
Billion-Year Contract,
the newly-inducted SO member signs one, supposedly coming back life after life to fulfill it. LSD users need not apply.
Bodies In the Shop. An important Org Stat.
Black Hats,
the bad guys. "Ars is full of SP's wearing their Black Hats."
1. To leave suddenly. Also, the person who does this. "Sam Blew off post today; he's our third Blow this week!" 2. To get rid of a charge or mass. "I blew so much mass in my session!"
Body Raisins,
a cute name for body thetans, q.v.
Body Route,
to steer public into an Org, get them on lines, sell them services, and make some money off them. The idea being that public are such low-toned Wogs that they have no self-determination, and need to be led like sheep to the slaughter.
Body Thetans,
see BT's.
B of I,
board of investigation. A cult kangaroo-court-like Ethics board. "A B of I will be convened for Harry next tuesday."
along with clams and Grim Weepers, these are Wholetrack ancestors to Man, and are responsible for the origin of human belching, gasping, sobbing, choking, shuddering and trembling. Also called "Grim Weepers", and "Weepers."
Book One,
bypassed charge. Charge that has been turned on, or restimulated, without being as-ised, blown, or gotten rid of. See "Charge."
1. See Bridge Publications. 2. Broad Public Issue; a notification on HCOB's and HCOPL's showing issue authority and distribution.
the bridge to total freedom; the list of auditing actions needed to get to the highest OT level, currently OT 8. The Bridge costs roughly $300,000 US, and is depicted on the Gradation Chart of Human Awareness and Abilities. Hubbard's "Bridge to total freedom" has two sides. One is auditor training classes, the other is receiving auditing such as Grades and OT levels. At the lower levels the grades and classes correspond, this pretty much stops after Class 6 (Saint Hill Special Briefing Course).
Bridge Publications,
the cult's publishing business; also called simply Bridge or BPI (Bridge Publications International.)
Body Thetan. Usually plural. Very plural. Evil spirits which needs to be exorcized. "OT 5 consists entirely of running out BTs; what a bore."
a training routine involving two students; one is to sit silent, unblinking and unmoving, while the other does everything s/he can to get a reaction. The receiving student must simply accept whatever is done to him or her, in what is basically a lesson in passivity. The stated purpose is to train the student to be unresponsive to a PC's originations during auditing. "The noise next door is coming from the students doing their bullbaiting."
Cal Mag,
Calcium/Magnesium mixture of unlimited restorative powers, according to the famous scientist, L. Ron Hubbard. See Guk Bomb.
the Cult Awareness Network, a loose educational and group-therapy association. A Scientology target for special hatred.
these refer to the ubiquitous OSA cancellers who frequent ars and visit it with their censorship of people's posts.
soup cans used as electrodes for the E-Meter. The PC holds them in his or her hands. "I was on the Cans for three hours today!"
The sum of one's problems, bad memories, Engrams, BTs, Overts, Etc. "My Case has really improved by doing the Sunshine Rundown." See Bank, Reactive Mind.
Case Gain,
improvement in a PC's case due to auditing. "Paul had tremendous case gain running Grade Zero."
Cave in,
to destroy by giving someone over to the dark side of the "bank." "Helena Kobrin wants to cave in the critics on ars."
the Newspeak-named Citizen's Commission on Human Rights, run by Dennis Clarke. CCHR's main purpose is clearing away the "Psyches" to make way for Scientology's advance into society. "CCHR is a front group for Scientology."
a run of incidents or engrams of a similar type, or with the same content.
mental mass in restimulation contained in the reactive mind. Doesn't make sense? No supposed to. "Jim has a lot of charge on the word `critic.'"
Man descended from them according to "History of Man" by LRH, and the incident gives us painful engrams of being dropped onto rocks by birds, and extreme jaw pain from the bivalve's hinge. This has become a running joke on ars, with threads about clambakes, clamchowder, snapping clams, clams in .sigs, etc. "Pope calls Scientologists clams on ars."
a means of defining how high an Org, Auditor, C/S, etc. is on the Bridge; corresponds to Level or Grade. See Bridge.
Class IV Org,
see Org.
Class XII Org,
see Org.
Class 0,
A Class 0 auditor can audit a person on Grade 0 after which they can supposedly talk to anyone about anything (except that the cult says they shouldn't talk to suppressives, or criticize the church, or talk about their auditing except to certain people, or talk about OT levels and the material on them (etc. etc. etc.) See Grade 0.
Class 6,
Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. See SHSBC.
Class 8 auditor,
A class 8 auditor is highly "trained" and can audit anyone on repair stuff up to OT 4 (or the grades, etc.)
Class 8 C/S,
a Case Supervisor (q.v.) trained to C/S folders up to a high level.
Class XII Auditor,
trained to deliver the very expensive L Rundowns or L's at Flag in Clearwater, FLA, using a form of auditing involving yelling listing items at the PC.
Clay Demo,
a Study Tech method of training involving making little figures out of Plasticine (tm) on a table. "I've done 54 clay demos this week on the Pro TRs."
a person audited enough to be free of the "bank." A low-level superman-type person; a baby OT. "Samantha just had her Clear Certainty Rundown, and is now considered a clear!"
a bunch of Body Thetans all stuck together. "I had a cluster blow from my forehead during session!"
the Commodore's Messengers Organization. A Sea-Org run power centre within the cult, started by the teenyboppers in hot pants who used to serve as Hubbard's mouthpieces onboard his ships. CMO Int (International) is based in LA, in a large building across the street from the Cedars of Lebanon Center.
Chairman of the board.
Coffee Grinder Incident,
this is where some evil dudes used a little box to play a push-pull wave of energy over you and lay in a bone-deep somatic, remember? ;)
a sudden realization about oneself having to do with Scientology. "Fanny had a cognition about how her father was a big Suppressive during Session; now she's on the PTS/SP course."
Cognitive dissonance,
a Psych term! Horrors! It simply means the inability to fit two disparate concepts into one's mind. For example, a dichotomy like "I spent $300,000 dollars for all this" and "It's all a bunch of garbage." The flip side of cognitive dissonance is that if you get someone to do something, it is easier to make them believe something, and vice versa.
the name Hubbard gave himself, no doubt based upon his stellar naval career. "A picture of the Commodore hangs in every Academy." See "Ron."
Comm Ev,
a committee of evidence; a cult "justice" action. "Fred was declared at his Comm Ev; now he's an SP, and subject to Fair Game."
the Ethics formulas of Scientology. They are, in descending order, Power, Power Change, Affluence, Normal Operation, Emergency, Danger, Non-Existence, Liability, Doubt, Enemy, Treason, Confusion. All the conditions have formulas, and they are designed to get cult members to produce more, ie, make more money for Scientology. Thus, conditions are deemed very important, and Scientologists are often seen scurrying about trying "improve their condition."
Church of Scientology. Also, C of S, CofS, COS, Co$. "Some people on ars take `Co$' to mean `Cult of $cientology.'"
describing a Case Gain (q.v.) of such proportions that one's Bank is knocked back forever. "I finally had my case cracked on OT 2; it was a big win!"
an action taken to remedy a small tech outpoint. "I had a cram cycle on my metering after failing to get VGI's on my PC."
noun. Case Supervisor. The person in charge of assigning auditing regimens to Preclears; s/he tells the Auditor what processes to run on the mark, and reviews the written worksheets of processing sessions.
verb. The action of reviewing and directing such processing actions. "The C/S at AOLA C/Sed my case this week."
Church (or Cult) of $cientology international. Officially a non profit organization.
verb. Dead Agent; to spread malicious lies and rumors about an Anti-Scientologist person or organization, in an attempt to so thoroughly discredit them that everyone will be disgusted with them, and not listen to the information they have to give about the cult. "Many attempts to Dead Agent CAN (the Cult Awareness Network) and FACTnet (Fight Against Coercive Tactics net; a BBS that supplies information about the cult) have been posted to ars (alt.religion.scientology)
one of the two divisions Class IV cult centers are cut up into. Hours are from 8am - 6pm, roughly. See Foundation.
Degraded Being. Someone so infested with Body Thetans as to be in-auditable or insane; used as a derogatory term.
Douglas jet aircraft resembling the Boeing 707, and used for trans-Atlantic flights starting in the late 1950's. Hubbard said they were used millions of years ago as spaceships to ferry people about the galactic confederation. I wonder if Scientology will apply for a patent, and sue Douglas for copying their design? ;)
the act of blacklisting within the cult; the result is an "SP" who can be "Sued, tricked, lied to, or destroyed" as per cult policy. "Eric was declared Suppressive at his Comm Ev."
a desperate ploy to recover lost children involved in the cult, usually at the parent's behest; employs kidnapping.
Developed traffic. A particle sent unnecessarily to the improper terminal; a waste of time or an item which slows down the all-important production.
a formula combined with vitamins and other materials to make the intake of nicotinic acid more effective. Dianazene runs out radiation - or what appears to be radiation. It also proofs a person up [sic] against radiation to some degree. It also turns on and runs out incipient cancer. (All About Radiation, pp. 123-124) See also Guk Bomb, Purif.
Hubbard's derivative mental healing therapy; scorned by the mental health profession as being unscientific nonsense.
the act of severing ties with family, friends, and loved ones that the cult often forces its victims to do when these same loved ones are declared SPs, which the victim is PTS to. "I was ordered to disconnect from my wife after she was declared."
sections of the Org Board Hubbard used to define all the posts in an ORG.
Div Three,
the treasury.
Div Four,
Tech. Where the Academy courses and HGC auditing are done.
Div Five,
Qual. Where one attests to actions, and gets certificates. Also, where corrections are done.
Div Six,
the public division; deals with routing people into the Org, low level raw meat courses, showing hokey LRH movies, selling books, reception, etc.
David Miscavige; the leader of the cult of Scientology, presently on the run from process servers. Also called the poodle. ;)
Dianetics. See Dianetics.
the act of doing something. See beingness.
a Freezone term. Describes people who are superior to meatballs, q.v.
Dianetics [sic], the Modern [sic] Science [sic] of Mental Health [sic]; Hubbard's first foray into the new "Science" of mental health, misspelled from dianoetic, meaning intellectual; pounded out in a few weeks in 1950. Also called Book One.
Down Stat,
1. Describing the horrible condition of losing that all-important production statistic; also, a general term of derogation or degrading. "My local Class IV looks so Down Stat; it's dark, dingy, dirty, and squalid, not to mention grotty." See Up Stat.
Downstat or Down Stat,
2. Noun. Referring to Down Stat individuals; people who are not doing well in a Scientological sense. "Farnham is a real downstat; look at how miserable he looks on post. Route him to Ethics."
Drug Rundown,
there's two of these, one at the bottom of the Bridge, one near the top. While the Purification Rundown is meant to remove the drugs residues stored in your fat [sic], the Drug Rundown is meant to audit out the harmful effects of drugs on your mind. It's all very spiritual. (Or is that medical?) See Grades, OT 4, Purif. See also Dianazene, Guk Bomb, for comparison. Two things seem to be pulling in different directions here; can you spot the out-point? ;)
to make an exact copy of; to fully understand in order to obey. "You are Out-Ethics, Mr! You need to do your Conditions! Do you duplicate me?"
the eight subdivisions of life. Self, Sex, Group, Mankind, Animals and Plants, Universe, Theta, God.
1. Executive Director, the chief officer of a cult organization. 2. An issue type; ED's may be written by Executive Directors at the local level. LRH ED's were written by LRH Himself.
E-Meter, or Meter,
Electrometer. A crude battery-powered analog ohmmeter used to locate Overts, Body Thetans, and Engrams; the PC holds the electrodes (soup cans), while the Auditor watches the dial. Circuitry is based on the Wheatstone Bridge; designed by Volney Mathieson. Current "top of the line" models sell for about $4,000 US in a plastic case. Actual parts list is about $50-$100.
End Words,
words that act like locks to keep the reactive mind keyed-in.
a posited memory trace that remains after a moment of pain and unconsciousness. Hubbard didn't coin this word; it can be found in Webster's, and is part of the ISV.
Bad Vibes. "The Usenet Newsgroup is so full of Entheta it's restimulating my bank."
Hubbard's word for being upset. "Suzy found ars so enturbulating, she ran away."
1. End of Cycle, the end of a cycle of action; start, change, stop. 2. Suicide. "After your mission, do an EOC."
End Phenomenon. The result of a processing action. "The EP for OT 15 is cause over the universe."
a section of a Scientology Org that keeps people in line, and the policy that deals with it. "Keep your nose clean, or I'll route you to Ethics, Mr!"
Exit counselling,
and ethical method of recovering people from destructive cults, involving talking and giving out information in a non-coercive manner. "Combatting Cult Mind Control" by Steve Hassan best exemplifies the methodology.
to leave the body. Scientologists believe we can step outside our bodies in the form of a disembodied "Thetan", and hover about looking at things. This is deemed to be a very important goal of every Scientologist, usually only obtained at the highest "OT level." OT 7's and 8's who have left the cult claim it is an induced hallucination. "Exteriorization is the goal of the End of Endless Int Rundown." See "Interiorization."
a mental image picture. "June has a facsimile of a dog biting her leg."
Fair Game,
the notorious Scientology policy of how to deal with critics; they may be "Sued, tricked, lied to, or destroyed," as per policy. A more recent policy has banished the WORDS "Fair Game", but the policy of what to do to them cannot ever be cancelled. Scripture, get it? "Dennis Erlich, being an SP, is subject to Fair Game."
a Meter read of about an inch movement to the left.
Foundation, q.v.
False Data Stripping. Brainwashing 101; an auditing procedure involving correcting bad thoughts or wrong ideas. The ideas are located, cleansed, and replaced with cult dogma. "Success Story today I had a big win using FDSing to get rid of the False Data that Psyches are trying to help people!"
noun. The wog society outside the Org. "The field is getting so muddy that it's hard to get new Raw Meat onto lines!"
Finance Dictator,
the person in charge of extracting money from all the "little people" in Scientology. Aptly named, given the brutality with which this all-important function is carried out. "The Finance Dictator went after the Mission-Holders in a big money-grab in the early 1980's."
the former name of the ship Hubbard was Commodore on; the Apollo. When the Sea Org came ashore in Clearwater, Florida, they set up the Flag Land Base, a high-level Org. Now just called Flag. "I got my L's at Flag, and my case was really cracked!"
Floating Needle. A rhythmic swinging of the Meter needle back and forth indicating end of session, or completion of a process. Also commonly used to indicate good vibes, as in "I've been F/Ning all day!"
Flag Order, a written directive.
an Ethics folder or Auditing folder in which Scientology collects all the dirt on people obtained from auditing sessions which can be used as blackmail to keep critics quiet. "Culled information from folders has a habit of showing up on ars."
one of the two groups inside a Class IV Org; they work the night and weekend shift. Day is the other group. "Sally works for Foundation, while Sam is Day." See Day.
FR or F/R,
Flag Rep. A minor post in a Class IV Org; a liason with Flag. "Robert was the FR from HAW FDN."
an old name used before the more appealing Newspeak "Mission," q.v.
the SO-run ship that cruises around tropical ports and gives the OT-8's a hangout while they proceed with their auditing. Ah, how nice it must be to be at the top of the Bridge!
a loose affiliation of people who still believe in the ideas of Scientology auditing procedures, but who have left the cult. Ever heard of the Reformation? The Freezone is a little more liberal than the hard-core Churchies, as they like to call people in the cult structure proper, yet they often still have the trappings of Scientology, for example, the E-Meter, the concepts of Ethics, Overts, Conditions, and the use of disparaging terms for outsiders, (Meatball, Bashers, Wogs, etc.)
Field Staff Member. They recruit people into $cientology for a 15% profit.
see Freezone.
Gang-Bang Sec Check,
a cruel process involving getting the victim to confess to "crimes" while on a meter and in front of a group of people. Used as a heavy brainwashing technique when a PC threatens to blow. "Three people in the past year have told me they have had Gang-Bang Sec Checks recently."
Genetic Entity. A low-grade soul that stores whole track engrams like the clam incident. Find it hard to understand? Who wouldn't? It *is* pure nonsense, after all.
1. Gross Income. One of the most important Stats for cult groups. 2. Good Indicators; a smiling face after an auditing action.
Guardian's Office. The cult's KGB, responsible for attacking SPs, publishing Dead Agent materials, framing political figures and judges, intimidating witnesses, etc. Now renamed OSA, the Office of Special Affairs.
Goals Problems Mass. A supposed mass which develops when one is thwarted from reaching a Goal by a Problem.
preliminary steps to the true enlightenment of body raisins on the OT levels. The Grades range from 0, learning to talk, to VII, clear, and come before clear on the Bridge. Actions before the Grades usually include Life repair, Purification rundown, (sweat and vitamins) and the Drug rundown, said to remove the harmful effects of drugs. (Yeah, right.) See also Class, Bridge, Level. The typical sequence for processing then goes something like the following
Grade 0,
learn to communicate with anyone about anything. Too bad no one in Scientology has reached this level! ;) See Class 0.
Grade 1,
learn to handle your Problems, as long as they don't include being a victim of a money-grubbing cult.
Grade 2,
Overts and Withholds, q.v. Don't tell 'em anything you wouldn't mind posted to Usenet or given out in pamphlets to your neighbors.
Grade 3,
deals with Upsets.
Grade 4,
Service Facsimiles, (I'm right and you're wrong, guess what lots of people in this "church" need ) ) See Ser Fac.
Grade 4.5,
(recently (last decade or so) New Era Dianetics (NED, q.v.) was put here, if a person 'goes clear' on new era dianetics the grades 5,6,7 are skipped. The person does a simple process called the sunshine rundown, and goes on to OT 1) (No; the cult doesn't call it Grade 4.5 ;) )
Grade 5,
Power. (awareness of self as source) I got the Power, yeah, yeah. Just keep repeating it; you couldn't really be wasting thousands of dollars, could you? After all, this is America! You should be able to buy spiritual freedom! (God knows, you can buy everything else.)
Grade 6,
(preparation for clearing course) R6EW, Route Six, End Words. End Words are a kind of verbal lock that keeps the reactive mind or whatever in restimulation.
Grade 7,
Clearing course. Wow! At last you can throw away your glasses, a-la Bates! ;) You'll have perfect recall! Your IQ will zoom! Your eyes will become glazed! Your pocket will be feeling a severe drain! (Unless your last name is Trump.) You're now ready for OT 1; last chance for cognitive dissonance.
Green Vols,
the green volumes of the OEC that contain Scientology policy. See "Red Vols, OEC."
Guk Bomb,
a mixture of benzedrine, vitamins, and glutamic acid Hubbard thought helped the auditing go smoothly. See also Dianazene, Purif.
to fix something up or solve a problem. "Helena Kobrin and Elaine Siegel were assigned to handle the situation in ars."
Hubbard Association of Scientologists International. A precursor to the IAS, q.v.
noun. A post or job. "She's wearing the Ethics Hat now."
verb. To train for a post or job. "He is fully Hatted as the MAA."
the feeling of ownership or possession; something quite unfamiliar to SO members. "I had such Havingness after I bought my Tech Dictionary." See beingness.
Hubbard Communication Office. At the times of LRH the center of power; produced the HCO-policy letters.
Hubbard Communications Office Bulletin, a red directive containing "tech".
Hubbard Communications Office Policy Letter, a green issue containing "admin" policy.
the Hubbard Guidance Center; the place where the expensive auditing of Scientology processes is done. "The HGC is down the hall on the right."
High Crime,
a serious offense within the cult. "Going by a misunderstood word is a High Crime."
History of Man; an LRH book which purports that Piltdown Man was an ancestor of modern man, and that we evolved from clams, among other absurdities. Recommended reading.
Hubbard Qualified Scientologist course.
LRH. See "Ron."
International Association of $cientologi$t$. The first six months is free; after that, it gets very expensive.
In Charge. Someone running a Program or project. "He's the Tech Field Hatting I/C."
International Ecclesiastical League of Pastors; a cult front-group headquartered in LA across the street from the main building of Cedars.
Illegal PC,
a Preclear who cannot be audited by virtue of actually needing help. Auditing is only for the able, as per policy; it is for making the able more able. Specifically, an Illegal PC is one who has had psychiatric treatments in the past, and is deemed too damaged to touch, and a serious security risk to boot. "Jack Farmer is an Illegal PC; he may not receive the next auditing level he needs and wants."
a hypnotic suggestion smashed into one's mind millions or billions of years ago in the Space-Opera Scientology Cosmology. "One Implant was installed using giant movie screens."
Incident One,
4 quadrillion years ago we were implanted with visions of cherubs blowing horns, chariots, and blackness. That's right; 4 *quadrillion* (4*10^15th, or 4,000,000,000,000,000 years!) What's that you say? 250,000 times the age of the universe? Don't let that stop you!
Incident Two,
75 million years ago Xenu blew us up with H-bombs on Hawaii, remember? Also called the wall of fire, or the OT 3 incident. The cover of Dianetics is meant to symbolize this cataclysmic event, and compel Wogs to buy the book by restimulating them.
to read on the Meter. Generally used as a synonym for ringing true. "Boy, that really indicates for me!"
describing a person who is upstat and not violating any of the crimes of Scientology. "The new ED of VANF is very In-Ethics on her new post."
the unfortunate condition of being stuck in one's body. "I was so Interiorized yesterday; my sinuses ached from it!"
to belittle or make nothing of. "Andy felt so invalidated by the SP's on ars, he caved in, and left."
Issue Authority,
the right to publish certain of LRH's works.
to restimulate and turn on an engram or incident so that the PC manifests behavior from it. "John was Keyed-In by the sound of the plane crash."
to be released from the bad effects of one's Reactive Mind. "Dianetics can really Key you out, man!"
Kha Khan,
an award supposedly given by Hubbard to those who did him a great service. The awardee gets spared the death sentence ten times.
Knights of Xenu. They found Xenu locked up in a box, and let him out, the naughty net.surfers!
KR or K/R,
Knowledge Report, a write-up of a cult member's supposed "crimes" given to Ethics; cult members are encouraged to report each other's transgressions a la Orwell's "1984."
Knowledge, Responsibility, Control. The senior of the two Scientology triangles, ARC/KRC. Control is senior to Affinity, get it?
Keeping Scientology Working. A series of HCOPL's designed to ensure Scientology lasts for hundreds of years, and Hubbard's name is smashed into history.
KSW course,
a course based on the KSW policy letters.
KTL Course,
the Key To Life course. Involves lots of pretty pictures to drive home the brainwashing. Quite expensive.
a program written by Homer to tell posters to ars when their posts have been cancelled by the cult censor on Netcom known affectionately as the "Cancelpoodle." Thanks, Homer!
see Class, Grade.
Long Fall. A swing of the Meter needle to the left of a couple inches.
Long Fall BLow Down. An E-Meter read involving a swing of the needle to the left, and a consequent need to move the Tone Arm of the Meter to keep the needle on the dial.
Life Repair,
see Grades.
the cult's auditing and academy services. "Ken isn't on lines at Flag anymore."
a light auditing technique that gets the thetan centered in the MEST universe, so he knows where he is. Technique involves making the PC look at trees, cars, people, touch books, etc. "Gary is outside doing a locational on Robert."
Lafayette Ronald Hubbard. Mediocre pulp-sf writer. Said in 1947 "If you really want to make millions, the fastest way is to start your own religion." Scientology cult founder, author of the turgid "Dianetics", born 1911, died 1986. See "Ron."
L10, L11, and L12. Special, very expensive Rundowns done by Class XII auditors who shout at the PC holding the soup cans. The L's material mentions the fact that the Reactive Mind is composed of Body Thetans.
Master At Arms. A Sea Org Ethics Officer, responsible for keeping Ethics in.
Marcab Confederacy,
a galactic confederation and the denizens thereof. It's a star system in the astronomy charts. It is also supposed to be the source of most of the suppressive influences attacking the Earth at this time and in the past. For the last 100,000 years they've been driving cars, wearing business suits and fedoras, using telephones, and flying spaceships. Remember that episode of Star Trek? "The Marcabians are coming to Earth, and they're going to lay waste to it, according to Captain Bill."
A derogatory Freezone term for people who don't believe in their ideas. "Homer called me a meatball."
Mental Image Picture,
a picture in the Reactive mind. "Bob has a stuck mental image picture of an atom bomb going off on top of his head 200 trillion years ago."
Merchant of Chaos,
a cult synonym for Suppressive Person. A bad person; a person who speaks ill of Scientology.
Matter, Energy, Space, and Time; the constituents of the physical universe, or the physical universe itself. Seen as a lesser domain than the spiritual or Theta realm.
describing a display of inappropriate emotion; for example, crying for no reason. "Mary has been misemotional since her last action; she needs a repair."
the Newspeak-correct term for a cult franchise. Last I heard, the package used to set up a Mission could be bought for $20,000. Trouble is, if your Mission ever makes it, it will be taken away from you. Also, a set of orders given to Missionaires to go out and do some action, usually gathering money from Orgs.
a Sea Org members specially trained on a Mission, and given orders, (which are often clay-demoed) and sent out to get something done. "The Missionaires from Up-Lines arrived, and demanded $25,000 from our local Org."
Mock Up,
to make up; particularly out of mental imagery, but may also apply to physical things. "Mock up a wall. Thank you. Now destroy that wall. Thank you."
an nasty thing that one "pulls in" as a result of having prior overts. In other words, anything that happens to you is your own fault; you deserved it because you are essentially evil. "The cult of Scientology has lots of motivators; they keep saying `look what _ did to us!'"
Misunderstood word. The cult is fanatical about not going by one.
M/U Phenomena,
the upset leading to blows that follows going by a misunderstood word, according to the cult's "study tech."
a cult front-group that purportedly cures drug addition. Narconon is used for cult recruitment; it's techniques have been called unscientific, medically unsound, and possibly dangerous.
to say negative things; to give off bad vibes. Natter is said to be caused by going by Misunderstood words, and having Overts, and can thus lead to Blows. "If you don't stop Nattering, you're going to the RPF!"
New Era Dianetics. Dianetics on the wholetrack. NED for OT's is abbreviated NOTS, and as this is done solo, with the soup cans in one hand so the other is free to write up the session, it is then called Solo NOTS. See Grade 4.5, OT 5.
George Orwell's "1984" explication of applied semantics. "1984" provides much insight into the cult of Scientology, BTW.
Non-Existence. A production level; someone is said to be in Non-E when they are new on post, not known to all the other Org terminals, and not producing anything. There is a formula for getting out of Non-E all the way up to Power. See Conditions.
NED for OTs. See NED, OT 5.
Organization Executive Course. An executive training course and its associated policy in HCOPL's, collected into a set of eight large numbered green volumes. Also called the "Green Vols." A person knowing the data in these volumes fully and applying is could completely reverse any down-trending company, or even a company, they say. "OEC 0 is the Basic Staff Volume; read it before you commit a crime on post." See also "Red Vols."
Off lines,
see lines.
On lines,
see lines.
On Source,
see Source.
Operation Freakout,
a plan to carry out the Fair Game policy (q.v.) on Paulette Cooper, the author of the book "The Scandal of Scientology." The GO operation involved framing Ms. Cooper with a bomb threat made to the Arab Consulate, among other things.
Operation Snow White,
see Snow White.
a situation of opposition to a terminal, giving a reason to fight. "Sue started Op-Terming with the SPs on ars; she would have been better off not giving them a game."
Noun. Organization; a cult group, internally called a "Church." Org usually refers to a Class IV Org; Higher up than a Mission, but lower than a Class XII Org, or Advanced Org, (AO), or Saint Hill Org. ASHO stands for the American Saint Hill Org, while AOLA stands for the Advanced Org, Los Angeles. Both ASHO and AOLA are higher than a Class IV Org.
Org Board,
a map to the massive cult bureaucracy; details every post, division, department, executive, etc. that go to make up an Org. Some Org Boards contain seven divisions, some have nine; they all have a large number of specifically defined posts. See Division.
Organization Executive Course,
see OEC.
Office of special affairs. The "dirty work" department, the cult's KGB. Took over from the GO, Guardian's Office, when the GO's leaders went to jail for infiltrating government offices, stealing and altering files that put the cult in a bad light.
(or OT 1); consists of walking about and counting people until one has a "win", and similar god-like procedures. EP is to extrovert a being, and bring about an awareness of himself in relation to others and the physical universe. Also called OT orientation. BTW, I have this swamp land in FLA...
(or OT 2); consists of hundreds of boring "implants" written in Hubbard's hand like "to be or not to be", followed by "spotting the light" that accompanied the "implants." EP is rehabilitation of intention and ability to project intention. With an EP like that, it can't fail!
(or OT 3); Operating Thetan (level) three, also called the wall of fire. Deals with Incident 2, Xenu and the H bombs. Hubbard said that anyone who was exposed to this level casually would "freewheel" through it, become a chronic insomniac, then get sick and die. See Incident Two.
(or OT 4); the OT drug rundown. Gets rid of the effects of taking drugs in past lifetimes for a few thousand dollars. You should really see this land in FLA; it's near Clearwater...
(or OT 5); get rid of those damn body thetans! EP is cause over life. Should be cause over your debt; you'll need it. OT 5 starts what is call New era dianetics for Operating Thetans (Ned for OT's or NOTS) (reputed to be for removing BT's that didn't respond on OT3). Physical universe familiarization, for only a few 'thou.
(or OT 6); what, more body thetans? OT 6 teaches the sucker, I mean the Pre-OT! to do NOTs solo. OT ability drills for a few 'thou more.
(or OT 7); and still more? On OT 7 one does NOTS solo (usually for a long time; depends on how deep one's pockets are.) Projection of intention and polish up for a few more 'thou...and you thought shouting was all you needed to project your intention.
(or OT 8); Hubbard is finally revealed as a god, and Jesus as a fraud. After $300,000, Hubbard had better be god, goddamn it! Otherwise, you've just been duped royally. Will you gain god-like abilities yourself? Plonk down the $300,000 and find out...or you could rent a clue for ten cents. OT VIII is the top of the current Grade Chart; OT IX won't be released until all the present Orgs are the size of old Saint Hill in the 60's. Not until hell freezes over, in other words. The Bridge, or Gradation Chart of Human Awareness and Abilities tops out at OT 15, in some versions. OT 8 - (big expensive mystery, only delivered on the ship for public), ask Sobocinsky (not that he'll tell you anything except that he's loving it. The ship being the newspeak-named "Freewinds."
Operating Thetan, one who is above Clear, who is not just free of unconscious impulses, but is free of other things too so that they can operate, and be causative over the physical universe.
OT Eligibility,
a series of sec checks or confessionals a Pre-OT must go through to prove they are ethical enough to do the OT levels. (And a useful source of blackmail material should the OT decide they don't like the OT levels, and want their money back.)
OT levels,
solo-audited and expensive processes at the top of the Scientology "Bridge." The levels currently run from OT I to OT VIII.
Out 2D,
Illegal or immoral (in cult terms) sex.
not obeying like a good little slave. "She is so Out-Ethics, she has to be declared to get the Tech in on her." See In-Ethics.
Out Point,
something that doesn't fit, or doesn't help to "make it go right." A reason why something fails. "Jake's program failed because of the out-points in dealing with suppression."
an evil or Suppressive act. Of course, it's only an Overt if it hurts Scientology; shooting an SP under Fair Game Law could be redefined as not being an Overt, as you did it to help to "clear the planet", and it "did the least harm to the least number of dynamics." "She has committed so many Overts, she can't see her own Case anymore."
Overts and Withholds, q.v. Also called O/W tech.
Professional Auditor's Bulletin. An issue type. Some of Hubbard's "technical" writings to his flock of auditors may be found in these.
a person seen as a thing to be routed, or a piece of information in the cult's communication theory.
preclear. Someone who is getting auditing (spiritual counselling) who is not yet "Clear" (Clear is the state of being free of unconscious impulses that cloud your judgement)
the Philadelphia Doctorate Course; dates from 1952. Now offered as a series of tapes known as the PDC lectures.
the list of senses, extended far beyond the usual five by Scientology.
Piltdown Man,
a ancestor of man with huge jaws and a nasty habit of using them to eat his wife, according to Hubbard. NB, this was a hoax perpetrated on the scientific community from 1912 until 1953, when it was proved to be a hoax, of a human cranium and an ape jaw "discovered" near Piltdown, Sussex, England by Charles Dawson. However, Hubbard never withdrew the ridiculous claim that the fraud was a direct ancestor to modern man.
a pet name for David Miscavige, the dictator of the cult of Scientology.
to wish into existence. "David postulates that the Psyches will all be destroyed by the year 2000."
an Engram received while in the womb.
an auditing action.
the action of auditing a PC.
Pro TRS,
the Professional Training Routines for auditors, involving long hours staring at another student, reciting verses out of Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland", bullbaiting (q.v.), and doing lots of clay demos. "Our son was made into a zombie on the Pro TRs."
psychiatrists and psychologists. Seen by the paranoid cult as being the ultimate in evil and corruption on Earth; out to destroy us all by cutting out our brains with transorbital leucotomies, or zapping us into submission with electro-convulsive therapy (ECT), or zombifying us with selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRI's) like Ritalin and Prozac. The cult front-group called the Citizen's Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), a la Orwell, is dedicated to destroying these evil beings.
Present Time, the here and now. "SPs are stuck in an incident in the past; they need to be brought up to PT."
Potential Trouble Source. Someone who is in contact with an SP, and therefore may cause trouble to the cult. "Mary is a PTS type III." Adjective; "She is PTS to that Wholetrack SP on her lines."
PTS/SP Course,
a training pack that deals with how to handle and disconnect from SP's that are enturbulating you, usually in one's immediate family.
PTS Type 3,
or PTS Type III; a person suffering a psychotic break down.
the Purification Rundown. A cleansing process, intended to remove drugs stored in body fat through running, taking megadoses of vitamins and minerals, and sweating in a sauna for hours every day. The Purif costs roughly $1,500, and takes about two weeks to do. "There is no scientific evidence to back up the cult of Scientology's claims about the supposed benefits of the Purif." See Grades, Guk Bomb, Dianazene.
Raw Meat,
A derogatory term for public. "Body route some more Raw Meat into this Org, Sam, or I'll send you to Ethics!"
Rundown. An auditing process.
Reactive Mind,
the place where the Engrams are stored. On a higher level, Engrams are revealed to be none other than Body Thetans. Also called Bank.
"basically an agreement", sputtered Hubbard. Trouble is, I don't think the general population agrees with that definition. ;)
Red Vols,
the huge set of red technical volumes that contain the Scientology "technology." See "OEC, Green Vols."
register, registrar or registration. To sell Scientology services or the salesmen of the Org. "Your next step after course completion is to see the Reg, Sally." "We need to get more Reging done to boost GI by next Thursday!"
a fixer-upper for when the 100% standard uniformly workable tech fails or goes wrong; a common occurance. "Beth just paid $2,500 for a repair."
To turn on unpleasant memories. "By reading the OT 3 materials posted to ars, my Case has become heavily Restimulated."
Rice and Beans,
naughty SO member's diet regimen. Guaranteed to lose weight, or gums and teeth...whichever comes first.
Racketeering, Influence, and Corrupt Organizations Act. A bill put forward to curtail organized crime, like Scientology, for example.
a solid mass which purportedly develops when two flows collide. "He's creating such a ridge with the public." "I still have that ridge in my forehead from the baseball that hit me."
Rock Slam,
see RS.
Lafayette Ronald Hubbard. LRH is often called "Ron" by his followers. Other names frequently used for him are "LRH", "The Commodore", "Source", and "The Admiral." Born in 1911 in Tilden, Nebraska; died in 1986.
Rehabilitation Project Force, the cult's gulag where bad people are sent for punishment or "rehabilitation"; a brain washing and penal operation.
RS or R/S,
Rock Slam, a type of "read" that registers on the e-meter, indicating that you have an evil intention. The needle swings violently back and forth.
Religious Technology Center. David Miscavige is COB of the RTC, which holds the cult's "trademarks". That's right, "trademarks"!
an auditing process. "The Sunshine Rundown sells for $5,000."
Running Program,
in an effort to help tired executives who only worked 18 hour days, Hubbard devised a program of taking megadoses of mineral supplements and running circles around a pole or tree for five hours a day in desert heat. "David Mayo was on the Running Program at Happy Valley."
Saint Hill,
the manor Hubbard bought in East Grinstead, England, with his ill-gotten gains. See SH.
Hubbard's money-making venture into religion; started after Dianetics. Word comes from Nordenholz's book "Scientologie 34."
Scientology; q.v.
Sec Check,
see "Sec Checking."
Sec Checking,
Security Checking. Running lists of questions on a PC using the Meter to find criminal behavior that can be used as potential blackmail, should the PC ever blow or become critical of the cult. Similar to a confessional; the PC is lied to and told the revealed secrets and Overts will remain confidential, yet the cult often publishes and distributes the items found by Sec Checking, which are written down in folders at the time of the session.
Service Facsimile. A picture the PC uses to make himself or herself right, and others wrong. "If you keep pulling down stats in my area by dramatizing your Ser-Facs, I'll write a KR on you!" See Grade 4.
an auditing regimen; PC holds the cans, Auditor behind the Meter. Also called Processing.
Saint Hill manor, in East Grinstead, Sussex, England. Hubbard set up the cult's headquarters there for several years, until he was kicked out of the UK.
Shore Story,
a lie told to cover up illegal activity or give a good PR facade to fool wogs. "Your Shore Story will be that you are working for an independent research facility out of Dallas."
the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course for auditors, given at Saint Hill originally, and now given at any Saint Hill Org, like ASHO (the American Saint Hill Organization.) The SHSBC is mostly on tapes, and is very long and arduous (not to mention expensive.) It is meant to give a very high level of training to auditors, and is now a prerequisite to the higher OT levels. See Class 6.
Snow white,
the code name for a cult espionage operation. Snow White's goal was to infiltrate government offices and purge their files of incriminating material that made the cult look bad. 30,000+ documents were stolen from the IRS, the DEA, the Coast Guard, and the US Attorney's office. Hubbard's wife, Mary Sue, was sentenced to four years in jail for the operation, which was carried out by operatives in the GO (OSA.)
the Sea Org, the commanding, controlling element in the cult, partly working off ships, partly land-based.
SO 1 Line,
Standing Order number one line. All communications sent to Hubbard, they were told, actually went to him, and were read by him. Not true; there was a team of letter readers/writers to deal with the volume, right down to forging Hubbard's signature.
Solo auditing,
a self-auditing procedure used at the higher levels of the cult's "Bridge." The E-Meter cans are stuck onto plastic holder and held in one hand. Saves money, I guess.
Solo NOTS,
self-auditing (solo) NED for OTs. See NED.
pains and aches "turned on" during session, or contained within an engram or incident. "The PC got a heavy somatic in her jaw while auditing a clam incident."
Science of Survival; an LRH book that details the dynamics of life, and the principle that we are all just trying to survive. Recommended reading.
L. Ron Hubbard is the Source (capitalized) of Scientology; his written orders in the form of Policy and Tech, and his spoken words on tape are Source. "I feel so much better after getting back on Source."
Suppressive Person, an evil person; someone who criticizes Scientology.
a person who subverts Hubbard's "Tech" by alteration. The name probably came from the idea of squirrels burying, or being associated with, nuts. In the cult jargon, Squirrel refers to someone who is too insane to follow Standard Tech. "Mayo was a Squirrel because he altered Source."
Standard Tech,
theoretically, all Scientology is 100% Standard Tech, meaning it is workable. "Flag has the most 100% Standard Tech on the planet!"
Statistics. Each Scientologist has to monitor his or her success, which is transmitted to control organs, e.g. the ethic officers. Stats must be up every Thursday, or the hapless cult indoctrinee is punished.
an auditing technique, using hypnosis to place the PC right back in the incident, to see and hear it all over again from memory.
Study Tech,
the cult's training methodology, involving ensuring the student never goes past a word he or she doesn't understand, making little Plasticine (tm) figures, and moving small blocks and toys about with the hands. "Stewart payed $1,500 to learn Study Tech on the Student Hat course."
Success Story,
a coerced write-up required to complete any auditing action. Success Stories are usually filled with bland, often meaningless statements about "blowing mass", "having cognitions", and "big wins." See "Win", "Big Win."
Sunshine Rundown,
an expensive auditing routine similar to a locational. See Grade 4.5
short for technology. The quasi-scientific auditing processes and actions of Scientology, as found in HCOBs and the Red Vols, q.v. "You are hereby declared an SP, Sam, for committing Out-Tech."
Earth. (It's old name. How old? You wouldn't believe me if I told you.)
a fully hatted person on post, to which particles can be sent to and from. Dehumanizing enough for you?
Technical Dictionary; the cult's wonderful study of semantics gone awry; complements the Admin Dictionary. Recommended reading.
1. Uptone. "That was a really Theta speech Miscavige gave about how we are stopping the Psyches from taking over the world." 2. Life force. "This universe was constructed by Theta."
the Theta List, where Scner's hang out and exchange anonymous "success stories."
Spirit, Soul. "I now realize I am a Thetan, not a body."
Tone Scale,
the list of all human emotional states, arranged beside an arbitrary scale number from +40, through 0 (death), to -40. "SPs are at 1.1, Covert Hostility, on the Tone Scale."
Touch Assist,
a cult medical regimen meant to reduce ridges in the body due to injury. Several methodologies are utilized. One involves repeatedly touching the injured part back to the object which caused the injury. Another involves using the hands to smooth away the ridges. Yet another involves sticking a finger on the body, and saying "feel my finger" repeated, as always, ad nauseum.
the timeline of life.
Training Routines. Designed to train the auditor to be unresponsive to the PC; side effect is creating a thousand-mile stare.
often ttyl; I've been asked so many times about this one, I included it in the FAQ! Talk To You Later, if I like you. Tough Titties, You Lose if I don't. ;)
United Freezone Alliance. See Freezone.
Up Lines,
towards the top of the cult hierarchy. "All the money from Class IV Orgs goes Up Lines."
Up Stat,
describing a condition of having the all-important statistics going up, indicating increased production and more money coming in. Also, a general term of acknowledgement, showing a kind of Scientological glow. After all, what could be better than having more money? "You should see the new ASI offices in LA; they are so incredibly Up Stat it would blow your mind." See Down Stat.
another personality. "You sure mock up a good SP valence!"
Verbal Tech,
the sin of describing the cult's "Tech" by word of mouth, or through one's own writing, deemed a "High Crime." "If you don't shut up with your originations of what you think a Fall means, I'm sending you to Ethics for Verbal Tech!"
Very Good Indicators. A bright, shining, smiling face expected and rewarded after a feedback session with an auditor and an E-Meter. "Sally was F/Ning with VGI's after her Sunshine Rundown."
Wall of Fire,
the OT 3 incident. See Incident Two, OT 3.
the Watchdog Committee. A high-level cult fragment designed to keep an eye on the other branches.
the timeline of trillions of years of memory Scientologists claim to have. "Sally has major Overts from six million years ago on her Wholetrack."
a reason to explain why something happens; a cause. "We need to find the why behind the failure of Operation Snow White."
a success from a Scientology perspective. "David Miscavige announced some Big Wins we had in Germany in 1994." See "Big Win", "Success Story."
World institute of $cientology enterprises. Business department of $cientology. Licenses LRH-Tech to corporations and infiltrates them. A cult front-group.
after committing an Overt, people try to hide it or Withhold it; thus a Withhold is what you're hiding. "Sit down and write up your Overts and Withholds."
a derogatory and racist term the cult co-opted from British slang, and now uses to derogate people outside of Scientology's purview.
sometimes spelled Xemu, the evil galactic ruler that supposedly packaged us all up, put us on Hawaii, and blew us up with H bombs 75,000,000 years ago. What's that you say? Hawaii didn't exist 75,000,000 years ago? Shhh! You'll wake him! ***************************************************************** Some definitions from the cult's literature, provided by sdraper, xpolitic@ix.netcom.com, and nobody@c2.org (Anonymous User) *****************************************************************
to make something diverge from a straight line. The word comes basically from optics. *Aberrated*, departed from rationality, deranged. (from TD)
a composite of two words, "analytical and attenuation, or partial or complete dilution or weakening of the functions of the analytical mind. The preclear goes "unconscious" for a moment in the session. (HCOB 11 May, AD 15)
1. True anger is a hate hold. At exactly 1.5 on the tone scale we have a total ridge. It's hate. When we move a little above or below 1.5 we get a dispersal. 2. Anger is simply the process of trying to hold everything still. (from SOS glossary)
at the level of tone 2.0, affinity is expressed as antagonism, a feeling of annoyance and irritation caused by the advances of other people toward the individual. (from SOS glossary)
1. Complete withdrawal from person and people. There is in apathy no real attempt to contact one's self and no attempt to contact others. Here we have a null point of dissonance which is on the threshold of death. 2. A very docile and obedient, if sick, state of not-beingness. 3. No effort, all counter-effort. 5. Apathy, near death, imitates death. If a person is almost all wrong, he approximates death. He says, "What's the use? All is lost." (from SOS glossary)
Attention Unit,
a theta energy quantity of awareness existing in the mind in varying quantity from person to person. (HCOB 11 May, AD 15)
1. The assumption or choosing of a category of identity. *Beingness* is assumed by oneself or given to oneself, or is attained. Examples of *beingness* would be one's own name, one's profession, one's physical characteristics, one's role in a game - each and all of these things could be called one's *beingness*. 2. The person one should be in order to survive. 3. Essentially, an identification of self with an object. (from TD)
1. Boredom is not just not doing anything. Boredom is an eddying back and forth which on its lower harmonic becomes pain and on a lower harmonic becomes agony. 2. Boredom is not a state of inaction. It is a state of idle action, vacillating action where penalties are yet in existence, and where they are grave, but a state in which one has decided he can't really do anything about them. It's just a high-toned apathy. (from SOS glossary)
at 3.0 on the tone scale we have the person who is democratic, but who is somewhat more conservative than the liberal at 3.5 in his attitudes and more given to social regulations, being more in need of them. (from SOS glossary)
1. The *effort* which *counters* one's survival. 2. Any *effort* the environment can exert against you. 3. What we're talking about when we talk about a *counter-effort is the force of impact of an engram. The force of impact which gives the pc an engram is a *counter- effort*. (from TD)
any *emotion* that is *countering* an existing *emotion*. (from TD)
you think one thing somebody else thinks another. Their *thought* is *counter* to your thought. (from TD)
Covert hostility,
around 1.1 on the tone scale we reach the level of covert hostility. Here the hatred of the individual has been socially and individually censured to a point where it has been suppressed, and the individual no longer dares demonstrate hate as such. He yet possesses sufficient energy to express some feeling on the matter, and so what hatred feels comes forth covertly. All manner of subterfuges may be resorted to. The person may claim to love others and to have the good of others as his foremost interest yet, at the same moment, he works, unconsciously or otherwise, to injure or destroy the lives and reputations of people and also to destroy property. (from SOS glossary)
1. One who is unable to think of the other fellow, unable to determine his own actions, unable to follow orders, unable to make things grow, unable to determine the difference between good and evil, unable to think at all on the future. Anybody has some of these; the criminal has ALL of them. 2. One who thinks help cannot be on any dynamic or uses help on anyone to injure and destroy. 3. Criminals are people who are frantically attempting to create an effect long after they know they cannot. They cannot then create decent effects, only violent effects. Neither can they work. (from TD)
a belief in something which is contrary to fact or reality resulting from deception, misconception, or misassignment. (HCOB 11 May, AD 15)
5. The meter tells you what the preclear's mind is doing when the preclear is made to think of something. The meter registers before the preclear becomes conscious of the datum. It is therefore a pre-conscious meter. It passes a tiny current through the preclear's body. This current is influenced by the mental masses, pictures, circuits and machinery. When the unclear pc thinks of something, these mental items shift and this registers on the meter. (from TD)
a mental image picture of an experience containing pain, unconsciousness, and a real or fancied threat to survival; it is a recording in the mind of something which actually happened to the preclear in the past which contained pain and unconsciousness, both of which recorded in the mental image picture called an engram. (HCOB 11 May, AD 15)
2. Ethics actually consist, as we can define them now in Dn, of rationality toward the highest level of survival for the individual, the future race, the group, and mankind, and the other dynamics taken collectively. The highest ethic level would be long-term survival concepts with minimal destruction, along any of the dynamics. (from TD)
1. Any mental picture, that is unknowingly created and part of the time track is a *facsimile*, whether an engram, secondary, lock or pleasure moment. 2. A theta recording. All physical perceptions, all effort, emotion and thought which a person experiences are recorded continuously, and these recordings are called *facsimiles*. They are not dependent upon an organism for their continued existence. Any *facsimile* which has been recorded is there to be recalled - when the individual has risen high enough on the tone scale, when he has regained enough of his self-determinism. 3. An energy picture made by a thetan or the body's machinery of the physical universe environment. It is like a photograph. It is made of mental energy. It means copy of the physical universe. 4. The pictures contained in the reactive mind. 5. A full *facsimile* is a sort of three-dimensional color picture with sound and smell and all other perceptions plus the conclusions or speculations of the individual. 6. A simple word meaning a picture of a thing, a copy of a thing, not the thing itself. 7. A *facsimile* is an energy picture which can be reviewed again. A *facsimile* contains more than fifty easily identified perceptions. It also contains emotion and thought. 8. Means the physical universe impression on thought and it means that section of thought which has a physical universe impression on it and it has a time tag on it. (from TD)
1. A condition of alertness for counter-efforts that threaten survival. 2. A fast uncontrolled flow. 3. The emotion of fear and the dispersal of energy are one and the same thing because the dispersal of energy makes one feel like he wants to run away. (from SOS glossary)
Fixed Attention Units,
attention units which are caught somewhere down the time track in one incident or another in the form of entheta. (HCOB 11 May, AD 15)
a general or non-specific statement which is applicable to all and used in Scientology to connotate a statement made in an effort to either hide cause or to overwhelm another person with the all-inclusive. (HCOB 11 May, AD 15)
1. A ridge and is occasioned by loss. 3. Grief takes place where one recognizes his loss and failure as in the death of somebody he loved and tried to help. (from SOS glossary)
1. Refuting or degrading or discrediting or denying something someone else considers to be fact. 2. Any thought, emotion or effort, or counter-thought, counter-emotion or counter-effort which denies or smothers the thought, emotion or effort of the individual. 3. *Invalidation* by words is the symbolic level of being struck. 4. Basically, non-attention. Attention itself is quite important for attention is necessary before an effect can be created. 5. *Invalidation* is force applied. You apply enough force to anybody and you've *invalidated* him. How *invalidated* can he get? Dead! (From TD)
Marcab Confederacy,
various planets united into a very vast civilization which has come forward up through the last 200,000 years, [it] is formed out of the fragments of earlier civilizations. In the last 100,000 years they have gone on with a sort of a decadent kicked-in-the-head civilization that contains automobiles, business suits, fedora hats, telephones, spaceships. A civilization which looks [like an] almost exact duplicate but is worse off than the current U.S. civilization. (SH Spec 291, 6308C06)
a person who has delusions of grandeur, wealth, power, etc. (HCOB 11 May, AD 15)
1. A coined word, meaning *matter*, *energy*, *space* and *time*, the physical universe. (from TD)
1. Such a word would indicate that a person did not display the *emotion* called for by the actual circumstances of the situation. 2. Being *misemotional is synonymous with being irrational. (from TD)
verb. To get an imaginary picture of. (from TD)
noun. 1. *Mock-up* is derived from the World War II phrase which indicated a symbolized weapon or area of attack. Here, it means in essence, something which a person makes up himself. 2. A *mock-up* is more than a mental picture; it is a self-created object which exists as itself or symbolizes some object in the mest universe. It is a thing which one can be. 3. A full perceptic energy picture in three dimensions created by the thetan and having location in space and time. Now, that's the ideal definition. 4. We call a mental image picture a *mock-up* when it is created by the thetan or for the thetan and does not consist of a photograph of the physical universe. 5. Any knowingly created mental picture that is not part of a time track. (from TD)
1. An aggressive or destructive act received by the person or one of the dynamics. It is called a *motivator* because it tends to prompt that one pays it back - it *motivates* a new overt. 2. Something which the person feels has been done to him, which he is not willing to have happen. 3. An act received by the person or individual causing injury, reduction or degradation of his beingness, person, associations or dynamics. 4. An overt act against oneself by another. In other words, a *motivator* is a harmful action performed by somebody else against oneself. (from TD)
1. Considered to be below 2.5. The neurotic has thorough concern about the future to the degree that he has many more fears about the future than he has goals in the future. He spends much of his time pondering the past. He acts and wonders if he has acted correctly and is sure he has not. Thoughts to him are as solid as mest. He is overwhelmed by sudden counter- efforts. He is operating on a subcontrol center which has been itself very blunted. He is ill much of the time to a greater or lesser degree. He has colds. He brings "bad luck" and disaster. He is Homo Sapiens at his irrational worst. 2. A neurotic is a person who has some obsession or compulsion which overmasters his self-determinism to such a degree that it is a social liability. 5. The computation of present time only. (?)
Operating Thetan,
1. A *thetan* exterior who can have but doesn't have to have a body in order to control or *operate* thought, life, matter, energy, space and time. 2. Willing and knowing cause over life, thought, matter, energy, space and time. And that would of course be mind and that would of course be universe. 3. An individual who could *operate* totally independently of his body whether he had one or didn't have one. He's now himself, he's not dependent on the universe around him. 4. A Clear who has been refamiliarized with his capabilities. 5. A being at cause over matter, energy, space, time, form and life. *Operating* comes from "able to *operate* without dependency on things" and thetan is the Greek letter *theta* which the Greeks used to represent "thought" or perhaps "spirit" to which an "n" is added to make a new noun in the modern style used to create words in engineering. 6. By *operating thetan* we mean theta clear plus ability to operate functionally against or with mest and other life forms. 7. This state of being is attained by drills and familiarity after the state of Clear has been obtained. A real *OT* has no reactive bank, is cause over matter, energy, space, time and thought and is completely free. (from TD)
Overt Act,
1. An *overt act* is not just injuring someone or something; an *overt act* is an *act* of omission or commission which does the least good for the least number of dynamics or the most harm to the greatest number of dynamics. 2. An intentionally committed harmful *act* committed in an effort to resolve a problem. 3. That thing which you do which you aren't willing to have happen to you. (This term is usually shortened to *overt* and is used as a noun.) (from TD)
a person with delusions, as of grandeur or, especially, persecution. (HCOB 11 May, AD 15)
Present Time,
the time which is now and which becomes the past almost as rapidly as it is observed. It is a term loosely applied to the environment existing in now, as in "preclear came up to present time", meaning the preclear became aware of the existing matter, energy, space, and time of now. The point on anyone's time track where his physical body (if alive) may be found. "Now". (HCOB 11 May, AD 15)
1. Does not know what is going on in his environment and does not know what is going on inside himself. It is all unknown and therefore unobservational-unobserved. He doesn't know what's happening into receive or is the effect. 4. When a person has lost his ability to impose time and space upon his facsimiles and his memories he's psychotic, he's gone. 5. An avoidance of both the future and present time and a shift into the past. 10. Computation only of past situations. (?)
1. The ability and willingness to assume the status of full source and cause for all efforts and counter-efforts on all dynamics. 2. When one speaks of responsibility he means "the determination of the cause which produced the effect." 7. Admission of control of space, energy and objects. 8. Willingness to own or act or use or be. 10. "Admit causing", "able to Withhold." (from TD)
the bringing back to life of an engram in which a preclear is stuck. The engram or some portion thereof is being acted out in present time by the preclear. It is called a revivification because the engram is suddenly more real to the preclear than present time has ever been. He relives that moment briefly. He does not merely recall or remember it. (HCOB 11 May, AD 15)
a secondary engram is a mental image picture at a moment in the past containing misemotion anger, fear, grief, apathy - where loss either is threatened or accomplished. However, a secondary can not exist unless an engram underlies it. (HCOB 11 May, AD 15)
Security Checking,
2. Withholds don't add up to Withholds. They add up to overts, they add up to secrecies, they add up to individuation, they add up to games conditions, they add up to lot more things than O/W. Although we carelessly call them Withholds, we're asking a person to straighten out their interpersonal relationships with another terminal. Our normal security check is addressed to the individual versus society or his family. It's what people would consider reprehensible that makes a Withhold. In a Catholic society, not having kept Mass would be a reprehensible action. In a non-Catholic society, nobody would think twice about it. So, most of our security checks are aimed at transgressions against the mores of the group. That is the basic center line or the security check. It's a moral code that you're processing in one way or the other. You're straightening out somebody on the "Now, I'm supposed to's." They've transgressed, they are now individuated. If their individuation is too obsessive, they snap in and become the terminal. All of these cycles exist around the idea of the transgression against the "Now I'm supposed to." That's what a security check clears up and that is all it clears up. It's a great deal more than a Withhold. (from TD)
1. When we say *straightwire*, we're simply talking about stringing a line from cause to effect through the past. 2. Straight memory is also called *straight wire* because the auditor is directing the memory of the preclear and in doing so is stringing *wire*, much on the order of a telephone line, between *I* and the standard memory bank. 3. A technique of direct memory. 4. In 1950 in the early HDA lectures we described this as the act of stringing a line between present time and some incident in the past, and stringing that line directly and without any detours. 5. *Straight wire* is - the recovery of the actual time, place and object. (from TD)
Stuck in Present Time,
the condition of a person being incapable of moving on the time track into the past. In actuality the preclear is in some incident which forces him to be in the apparent present. (HCOB 11 May, AD 15)
to squash, to sit on, to make smaller, to refuse to let reach, to make uncertain about his reaching, to render or lessen in any way possible by any means possible, to the harm of the individual and the fancied protection of a suppressor. (?)
Suppressive Person,
1. A person who rewards only down statistics and never rewards an up statistic. He goofs up or vilifies any effort to help anybody and particularly knifes with violence anything calculated to make human beings more powerful or intelligent. A suppressive automatically and immediately will curve any betterment activity into something evil or bad. 2. The person is in a mad, howling situation of some yesteryear and is "handling it" by committing overt acts today. I say condition of yesteryear but this case thinks it's today. 3. An SP is a no-confront case because, not being in his own valence he has no viewpoint from which to erase anything. That is all an SP is. (4) Those who are destructively antisocial. 5. A person with certain behavior characteristics and who suppresses other people in his vicinity and those other people when he suppresses them become PTS or potential trouble sources. (?)
Theta Clear,
1. It is a person who operates exterior to a body without need of a body. 2. That state wherein the preclear can remain with certainty outside his body when the body is hurt. 3. A *theta clear*, then can be defined as a person who is at cause over his own reactive bank and can create and uncreate it at will. Less accurately he is a person who is willing to experience. *Theta clear* is stable. 4. *Theta clear* would mean clear of the mest body or cleared of the necessity to have a mest body. 5. There are two types of *theta clear*, the theta being which is cleared of its necessity or compulsion to have a body and a theta being which is cleared all the way on the track. 6. The basic definition of *theta clear* is no further necessity for beingnesses. 7. This is a relative not an absolute term. It means that the person, this thought unit, is clear of his body, his engrams, his facsimiles, but can handle and safely control a body. 8. In its highest sense, means no further dependency on bodies. 9. An individual who, as a being, is certain of his identity apart from that of the body, and who habitually operates the body from outside, or exteriorized. (from TD)
Time Track,
the consecutive mental image pictures recording the consecutive moments of "now" through which the individual has lived. It consists of locks, secondaries, and engrams. (HCOB 11 May, AD 15)
Tone Scale,
a scale which shows the emotional tones of a person. These, ranged from the highest to the lowest, are, in part serenity (the highest level), enthusiasm (as we proceed downward), conservatism, boredom, antagonism, anger, covert hostility, fear, grief, apathy. (from SOS glossary)
Tone Scale,
the intention to exert effort bridges into the body by emotion. In other words, the physical-mental bridge is called the energy manifestation of affinity. As used in Dn, emotion could be called the index of state of being. In the English language, 'emotional' is often considered synonymous with 'irrational.' This would seem to assume that if one is emotional one cannot be reasonable. No more unreasonable assumption could possibly be made. (From the TD)
1. A Withhold is an unspoken, unannounced transgression against a moral code by which the person was bound. 2. The unwillingness of the pc to talk to the auditor or tell him something. 3. A Withhold is something that a person believes that if it is revealed it will endanger their self- preservation. 4. When a person should be reaching and is withdrawing that's a Withhold. 9. Is always the manifestation which comes after an overt. Any Withhold comes after an overt. (from TD)
 The below was written by sdraper, and posted to alt.religion.scientology
 with the definitions from the Technical Dictionary and Science of Survival.
 The reasons for including it should be obvious.

 In my words- I provide these definitions from Scientology materials
 so as the interested reader may apprise themselves of the component
 parts of the basics of ethics.  Scientology is a religion founded on
 ethical systems and conduct, by using the understanding that
 freedom is found for the individual by that individual taking
 responsibility for their past, present and future.  Some criminal
 organizations have recognized this as a threat to their survival or
 criminal intent to rob mankind of spiritual freedoms and have thus
 gone about in quite a methodical fashion to undermine the work of
 Scientology in the community.  The E-meter and auditor combination
 can be used to locate and find criminal acts and criminal persons
 within the Scientology organizations using security check procedures.
 This is done so that either criminal actions can be repaired; the person
 is relieved of their criminal impulses or the criminal can be expelled
 from the organization.  Scientology as a religious practice is about
 the individual taking responsibility for themselves and others across
 the dynamics.  It is a good organization under attack, from ignorance,
 from evil intent and from those who are not into taking responsibility
 in general. It is my personal belief that their are suppressive
 individuals in society, suppressive groups, chaos merchants and the
 like who knowingly attack the truth either consciously or unconsciously.
 They are repelled by the fact that others wish to stop criminal action.
 They are repelled by a group that has the capability to find them out.
 They are repelled by concepts of freedom, love and honour and higher
 spiritual concepts.  I don't mean to say that CoS or other Scientology
 type organizations are error free, or pure of overt acts or anything
 else.  This is no justification for errors made in the past.  But the
 interested reader needs to understand that this is what the subject
 is about, these are the basic issues involved.  If this is not being
 done then Scientology it isn't!

 My own words on the FAQ follow

 I have waited patiently for the cult to come up with a list of definitions,
 as it is a suppressive act, according to their dogma, to let anyone go by
 a misunderstood word.  I first asked them to post a list of cult terms 
 many months ago; they have failed in their duty.  They are suppressive;
 deliberately trying to cave people in with MU's...just as they use
 the R6 Bank symbols on the cover of their books to cave people in.

 If you, or anyone reading this has any further acronyms you don't
 understand not in this list, feel free to send me e-mail, and I'll add 
 it to the list.  Keep in mind that this list cannot include all the
 cult's terminology as contained in the Tech and Admin dictionaries.
 Only terminology which is current and frequently used on ars will
 be considered for inclusion in the FAQ.

 See any corrections?  Same deal; send it along.  But keep in mind
 I would prefer to keep the descriptions a few lines long...no essays 
 on one term, please!

 Worried about my evident bias?  Too bad!  I was in the cult, and I see 
 no reason to call it a religion.  Call a spade a spade, I always say.

 Note that this FAQ was written for the purpose of cutting through the
 recondite cult semantics, using humour and wit.  As such, it is not
 intended to be scholarly or "technically" accurate; many of the definitions
 have been gathered from ars, and many more I wrote myself based on my
 experience within Scientology.  Only the definitions from sdraper and
 xpolitic can be considered accurate, unless you believe the cult's
 language is irrational nonsense, and in need of explanation by an inside 

 "These poor bozos think they're clams, not human beings, so what do you
 expect them to do except hide in the mud, spurt at random, and end up
 in the chowder?" - Stella.
      Cogito, ergo sum.  Martin Hunt, av282@freenet.carleton.ca