The ARS Acronym/Terminology FAQ v3.5
by Martin Hunt
Stand: 22 Jul 2000
Quelle: alt.religion.scientology
- R
- R6EW,
Routine 6 - End Words (Grade VI). The first solo audited
level done by PCs who did not go Clear on New Era Dianetics. This
level is directed at R6 (reactive mind) implant material by finding
the ideas (endwords) which the PC is dramatizing. Available at
Advanced Organizations and higher. - Jonathon Barbera.
- Raw Meat,
A derogatory term for the ordinary public or
non-Scientologists. "Body route some more Raw Meat into this Org,
Sam, or I'll send you to Ethics!"
- RD,
Rundown. An auditing or "therapy" process.
- Reactive Mind,
the place where Engrams, memories of pain and
unconsciousness, are stored. On a higher level, Engrams are
revealed to be none other than Body Thetans or evil spirits
infesting our bodies by the thousands. Also called the Bank.
- Reality,
"basically an agreement", sputtered Hubbard. Trouble is,
the general population doesn't agrees with that definition.
- Red Vols,
the huge set of red "technical" volumes that contain the
Scientology "technology." See OEC, Green Vols.
- Reg,
register, registrar or registration. To sell Scientology
services or the salesmen of the Org. "Your next step after course
completion is to see the Reg, Sally." "We need to get more Regging
done to boost GI by next Thursday!"
- Repair,
a fixer-upper for when the "100% standard" uniformly
workable "tech" of Scientology fails or goes wrong; a common
occurrence. "Beth just paid $2,500 for a repair."
- Restimulate,
to turn on unpleasant memories. "By reading the OT 3
materials posted to ars, my Case has become heavily Restimulated."
- R-Factor,
Reality Factor, a harsh and brutal cussing out by a
superior, usually given to one who is downstat, or not making
enough money.
- Rice and Beans,
the naughty SO (Sea Organization) member's diet
regimen. Guaranteed to lose weight, or gums and teeth, or
resistance to Scientology's weird concepts - whichever comes first.
Racketeering, Influence, and Corrupt Organizations Act. An
American bill put forward to curtail organized crime, like
Scientology, for example.
- Ridge,
a solid mass which purportedly develops when two flows
collide. "He's creating such a ridge by arguing with the public."
"I still have that ridge in my forehead from the baseball that hit
- Rock Slam,
an erratic E-Meter needle movement, see RS.
- Rock Slammer,
see RS.
- Ron,
Lafayette Ronald Hubbard. L. Ron Hubbard is often called "Ron"
by his followers. Other names frequently used for him are "L. Ron
Hubbard", "The Commodore", "Source", "LRH", and "The Admiral." Born
in 1911 in Tilden, Nebraska; died in 1986.
- Ronbot,
a derogatory term for a Scientologist. See clam.
- RPF,
Rehabilitation Project Force, the cult's internal gulag where
bad people are sent for punishment or "rehabilitation"; a brain
washing and penal organization.
- RS or R/S,
Rock Slam, a type of "read" that registers on the
E-Meter, indicating that you have an evil intention. The needle
swings violently back and forth. Round about '77 or so, everyone in
the Sea Org had to be run on "List One", a list containing items
like LRH, auditing, E-Meters, etc. If an R/S showed up at any point
on the list, you went directly to RPF. Do not pass go, do not
collect $17. Rock slammer technically means any person with one or
more R/Ses shown in their PC folders. In slang, it means a criminal
or SP. "Harry is a real Rock-Slammer; better get him into a
sec-check fast."
- RTC,
Religious Technology Center. David Miscavige is COB - Chairman
of the Board - of the RTC, which holds the cult's "trademarks" and
"copyrights." That's right; "trademarks" and "copyrights!"
Scientology is the only "religion" (so it claims) around to try to
patent spiritual freedom. Of course, it is all a money-making scam;
if the laughable "tech" was made free and public, on the Internet
for example, who would pay $300,000 for it? Jonathon Barbera:
"Senior-most management organization in Scientology (on the chart).
Protects the technologies of Dianetics and Scientology through the
ownership of the trademarks. Includes the Inspector General Network
which is responsible for the three main realms of activity (ethics,
tech, and administration). Each of these realms are overseen by an
Inspector General (IG Ethics, IG Tech, and IG Admin)."
- Rundown,
an auditing or "therapy" process. "The Sunshine Rundown
sells for $5,000."
- Running Program,
in an effort to help tired executives who only
worked 18 hour days, Hubbard devised a program of taking megadoses
of mineral supplements and running circles around a pole or tree
for five hours a day in desert heat. "David Mayo was on the Running
Program at Happy Valley in California."