The thirty-years-old Hare Krishna who usually peddled Krishna literature on the streets of Moscow, in February of year 2000 decided to try to live outside of overcrowded Moscow ashram where he spent many years of his life. He approached Galina Borisiva (the name has been altered) - a woman whom he had recently met - and has asked whether he could spend couple of nights in her apartment. A kind woman felt pity to the homeless and harmless preacher of goodness and non-violence - he said that his Krishna superiors told him to move to far-away suburban ashram - and offered him to stay with her. A single mother was working overtime in order to provide for her only daughter Olga (the name has been altered) and was even glad that the girl will be looked after by a responsible adult. During the daytime Nikolay wondered around the streets selling Krishna literature (which he took every morning from Moscow temple of the cult), and in the evenings he taught Olga Krishnaism raping her in the process of sessions of proselitism. Olga, who grew up without a father, quickly got attached to the man who told her that in the former life she had been his wife, thus she had to have sex with him. He said that if their relationship will become known, he will be killed at once, and the scared girl kept silent about it. Only a month later the mother entering the room earlier than the pedophile thought caught him actually in the process of having sex with her bleeding daughter. It turned out that Krishna worshipper had already began to molest Olga girlfriends, who visited her in order to listen to the stories about the love affairs of blue-skinned god Krishna. The pedophile was detained by Moscow police but for unclear reasons after a few days was released and run away to his home town Miass (Chelyabinsk province in the Urals). From there he wrote several letters to Galina and Olga asking to have pity on him and to remain close friends. Fortunately, the office of attorney-general of Moscow has ordered to resume a criminal investigation of this crime. When the officials of CKCSR learned about the crime, they called Galina at home several times, pleading her to remain silent about the case. In return they offered her some money. They also said that if she wants, they could bring Nikolay back to Moscow and punish him severely themselves.
Since ISKCON was founder by Prabhupada in New York in 1966, literally hundreds, if not thousands of cases of pedophilia, child molestation, abuse and violence have become known around the world. As a result, the leadership of the cult had to admit this problem and even to create a commission to deal with it.
The ugly crime of Mr. Nepochatov is the first case of Krishna pedophilia in Russia which has been registered by the law-enforcing agencies. Is it the only one? When Galina Borisova, being in shock of what has happened to her daughter, went to Moscow ashram of CKCSR, hoping to find an answer of how it could happen, she met two young girls at the doors of Krishna Temple. Galina could not keep silent and decided to pre-warn them telling about her tragedy. 'You know, when I was 11 the same had happened to me', answered one of the girls. 'And as you see, it did not prevent me to serve Lord Krishna'.
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